To detect Olig2 binding DNA the Gelshift Chemiluminescent EMSA Kit from ActiveMotif was used (Cat No. this relatively small locustermed a binding hotspot can be relied upon to guide the design of inhibitory scaffolds [11, 20, 21]. In contrast, our computational analyses suggested that in actuality the active TF dimerization surface includes a comparatively much larger engagement area we define as the parental pharmacophore, which is usually in turn comprised of several distinct daughter pharmacophores (subpharmacophores) with identifying features. We have previously successfully applied this multiple pharmacophore concept for defining ligand-based pharmacophores [22C23] and interface pharmacophores [24] to drug-candidate development. We pursued our multiple pharmacophore concept for the OLIG2 TF dimerization interface. OLIG2 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) TF that is critical in tumorigenesis and regulates the (-)-BAY-1251152 survival and expansion of glioblastoma (GBM) [25C30]. Our objective was to define the OLIG2 dimerization pharmacophore complex and search existing chemical structure libraries for compounds predicted to engage all the daughter pharmacophores. Such an agent could in theory populate all the essential elements of the dimerization surface and thus inhibit or interfere with proper dimerization and TF activation. We validated this approach by demonstrating the OLIG2 pathway selectivity and potent anti-GBM activity of identified compounds. A key challenge with many transcription factors including OLIG2 is usually that high-resolution crystal structures are not available. However, OLIG2 is known to bind E47, one of the isoforms of E2A class TFs for which a crystal structure is resolved [31]. In addition, OLIG2 has close sequence identity to a number of other TFs that bind the E2A isoforms, E12 and E47. Based on this information, we analyzed possible intermolecular contacts between OLIG2 and E2A isomers, and focused on the NeuroD1 TF, which has very close sequence identity to OLIG2. Using the E47-NeuroD1 complex as a template [32], we modeled OLIG2 and the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer, allowing the novel definition of a combined pharmacophore hypothesis comprised of one parental and multiple daughter pharmacophores. Here we demonstrate how our combined pharmacophore guided 3D-structure searches of the Open NCI Database ( to identify compounds potentially able to engage the OLIG2 dimerization surface. Compounds predicted to engage with all three hypothesized OLIG2 daughter pharmacophores were screened against patient-derived GBM tumorspheres. We found several small molecules that potently suppressed the growth of GBM tumorspheres GBM models. SKOG102, which enters the brain after intravenous injection, selectively modulated downstream OLIG2 targets, and downregulated stem cell and oligodendrocyte lineage markers to the same degree as shRNA-mediated OLIG2 knockdown. These results underscore a potential to pharmacologically suppress the stem cell-like tumor compartment presumed to drive GBMs. The data presented herein provide a basis and impetus for subsequent detailed biophysical explorations of the nature and timescale of the engagement of SKOG102 with the OLIG2 transcription factor, in order to facilitate its optimization as a potential OLIG2 inhibitor for GBM and other CNS diseases. RESULTS Homology modeling to develop a template for OLIG2 dimerization In order to model 3D structure and the OLIG2-E47 dimerization interface, homology modeling of OLIG2 was conducted. We also analyzed possible structures of the heterodimers of E47 with other TFs similar to OLIG2, included in the alignment shown in Physique ?Physique1B1B (set of TFs below the dashed rectangle). The general scheme of the interface between the group made up of E2A isomers and HTF4 TFs (the E2A set) is outlined by the dashed rectangle in Physique ?Physique1B).1B). Based on strong homology between OLIG2 and NeuroD1, we modeled the 3D structure of the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer (Homology program, InsightII package, Accelrys, San Diego, CA) using the crystallographic structure of the NeuroD1-E47 heterodimer as a template (PDB ID: 2ql2; Physique ?Physique1A;1A; [32]). Our modeled OLIG2-E47 dimer structure is usually depicted in Physique ?Determine2A,2A, with the inset illustrating the general topology of the heterodimer. This structure contains unique sequence that can be a basis for assigning pharmacophore features, and there are three contact areas: 1 and 2 between member monomers and 3.[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 12. Our analyses indicate that this failure resulted from the erroneous assumption that one key discrete site is present in the dimerization interface and that this relatively small locustermed a binding hotspot can be relied upon to guide the design of inhibitory scaffolds [11, 20, 21]. In contrast, our computational analyses suggested that in actuality the active TF dimerization surface includes a comparatively much larger engagement area we define as the parental pharmacophore, which is usually in turn comprised of several distinct daughter pharmacophores (subpharmacophores) with identifying features. We have previously successfully applied this multiple pharmacophore concept for defining ligand-based pharmacophores [22C23] and interface pharmacophores [24] to drug-candidate development. We pursued our multiple pharmacophore concept for the OLIG2 TF dimerization interface. OLIG2 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) TF that is critical in tumorigenesis and regulates the survival and expansion of glioblastoma (GBM) [25C30]. Our objective was to define the OLIG2 dimerization pharmacophore complex and search existing chemical structure libraries for compounds predicted to engage all the daughter pharmacophores. Such an agent could in theory populate all the essential elements of the dimerization surface and thus inhibit or interfere with proper dimerization and TF activation. We validated this approach by demonstrating the OLIG2 pathway selectivity and potent anti-GBM activity (-)-BAY-1251152 of identified compounds. A key challenge with many transcription factors including OLIG2 is that high-resolution crystal structures are not available. However, OLIG2 is known to bind E47, one of the isoforms of E2A class TFs for which a crystal structure is resolved [31]. In addition, OLIG2 has close sequence identity to a number of other TFs that bind the E2A isoforms, E12 and E47. Based on this information, we analyzed possible intermolecular contacts between OLIG2 and E2A isomers, and focused on the NeuroD1 TF, which has very close sequence identity to OLIG2. Using the E47-NeuroD1 complex as a template [32], we modeled OLIG2 and the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer, allowing the novel definition of a combined pharmacophore hypothesis comprised of one parental and multiple daughter pharmacophores. Here we demonstrate how our combined pharmacophore guided 3D-structure searches of the Open NCI Database ( to identify compounds potentially able to engage the OLIG2 dimerization surface. Compounds predicted to engage with all three hypothesized OLIG2 daughter pharmacophores were screened against patient-derived GBM tumorspheres. We found several small molecules that potently suppressed the growth of GBM tumorspheres GBM models. SKOG102, which enters the brain after intravenous injection, selectively modulated downstream OLIG2 targets, and downregulated stem cell and oligodendrocyte lineage markers to the same degree as shRNA-mediated OLIG2 knockdown. These results underscore a potential to pharmacologically suppress the stem cell-like tumor compartment presumed to drive GBMs. The data presented herein provide a basis and impetus for subsequent detailed biophysical explorations of the nature and timescale of the engagement of SKOG102 with the OLIG2 transcription factor, in order to facilitate its optimization as a potential OLIG2 inhibitor for GBM and other CNS diseases. RESULTS Homology modeling to develop a template for OLIG2 dimerization In order to model 3D structure and the OLIG2-E47 dimerization interface, homology modeling of OLIG2 was conducted. We also analyzed possible structures of the heterodimers of E47 with other TFs similar to OLIG2, included in the alignment shown in Figure ?Figure1B1B (set of TFs below the dashed rectangle). The general scheme of the interface between the group containing E2A isomers and HTF4 TFs (the E2A set) is outlined by the dashed rectangle in Figure ?Figure1B).1B). Based on strong homology between OLIG2 and NeuroD1, we modeled the 3D structure of the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer (Homology program, InsightII package, Accelrys, San Diego, CA) using the.2002(1):269C277. failure resulted from the erroneous assumption that one key discrete site is present in the dimerization interface and that this relatively small locustermed a binding hotspot can be relied upon to guide the design of inhibitory scaffolds [11, 20, 21]. In contrast, our computational analyses suggested that in actuality the active TF dimerization surface includes a comparatively much larger engagement area we define as the parental pharmacophore, which is in turn comprised of several distinct daughter pharmacophores (subpharmacophores) with identifying features. We have previously successfully applied this multiple pharmacophore concept for defining ligand-based pharmacophores [22C23] and interface pharmacophores [24] to drug-candidate development. We pursued our multiple pharmacophore concept for the OLIG2 TF dimerization interface. OLIG2 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) TF that is critical in tumorigenesis and regulates the survival and expansion of glioblastoma (GBM) [25C30]. Our objective was to define the OLIG2 dimerization pharmacophore complex and search existing chemical structure libraries for compounds predicted to engage all the daughter pharmacophores. Such an agent could in principle populate all the essential elements of the dimerization surface and thus inhibit or interfere with appropriate dimerization and TF activation. We validated this approach by demonstrating the OLIG2 pathway selectivity and potent anti-GBM activity of recognized compounds. A key challenge with many transcription factors including OLIG2 is definitely that high-resolution crystal constructions are not available. However, OLIG2 is known to bind E47, one of the isoforms of E2A class TFs for which a crystal structure is resolved [31]. In addition, OLIG2 offers close sequence identity to a number of additional TFs that bind (-)-BAY-1251152 the E2A isoforms, E12 and E47. Based on this information, we analyzed possible intermolecular contacts between OLIG2 and E2A isomers, and focused on the NeuroD1 TF, which has very close sequence identity to OLIG2. Using the E47-NeuroD1 complex like a template [32], we modeled OLIG2 and the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer, permitting the novel definition of a combined pharmacophore hypothesis comprised of one parental and multiple child pharmacophores. Here we demonstrate how our combined pharmacophore guided 3D-structure searches of the Open NCI Database ( to identify compounds potentially able to engage the OLIG2 dimerization surface. Compounds predicted to engage with all three hypothesized OLIG2 child pharmacophores were screened against patient-derived GBM tumorspheres. We found several small molecules that potently suppressed the growth of GBM tumorspheres GBM models. SKOG102, which enters the brain after intravenous injection, selectively modulated downstream OLIG2 focuses on, and downregulated stem cell and oligodendrocyte lineage markers to the same degree as shRNA-mediated OLIG2 knockdown. These results underscore a potential to pharmacologically suppress the stem cell-like tumor compartment presumed to drive GBMs. The data presented herein provide a basis and impetus for subsequent detailed biophysical explorations of the nature and timescale of the engagement of SKOG102 with the OLIG2 transcription element, in order to facilitate its optimization like a potential OLIG2 inhibitor for GBM and additional CNS diseases. RESULTS Homology modeling to develop a template for OLIG2 dimerization In order to model 3D structure and the OLIG2-E47 dimerization interface, homology modeling of OLIG2 was carried out. We also analyzed possible structures of the heterodimers of E47 with additional TFs much like OLIG2, included in the positioning shown in Number ?Number1B1B (set of TFs below the dashed rectangle). The general scheme of the interface between the group comprising E2A isomers and HTF4 TFs (the E2A arranged) is layed out from the dashed rectangle in Number ?Number1B).1B). Based on strong homology between OLIG2 and NeuroD1, we modeled the 3D structure of the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer (Homology system, InsightII package, Accelrys, San Diego, CA) using the crystallographic structure of the NeuroD1-E47 heterodimer like a template (PDB ID: 2ql2; Number ?Number1A;1A; [32]). Our modeled OLIG2-E47 dimer structure is definitely depicted in Number ?Number2A,2A, with the inset illustrating the general topology of the heterodimer. This structure contains unique sequence that can be a basis for assigning pharmacophore features, and you will find three contact areas: 1 and 2 between member monomers and 3 with DNA. The E47 bad amino-acid residuesaspartic acid (Asp561), glutamic acid (Glu564 and Glu568) interact in close proximity with the OLIG2 positive amino-acid residues lysine (Lys148) and arginine (Arg156) (Number ?(Figure2B2B). Open in a separate window Number 1 Sequence positioning of transcription factors relevant to OLIG2A. OLIG2 and.Mice were injected with 5 mg/kg intraperitoneally and the graph indicates the brain concentration at 1 and 4 hours. assumption that one important discrete site is present in the dimerization interface and that this relatively small locustermed a binding hotspot can be relied upon to guide the design of inhibitory scaffolds [11, 20, 21]. In contrast, our computational analyses suggested that in actuality the active TF dimerization surface includes a comparatively much larger engagement area we define as the parental pharmacophore, which is definitely in turn comprised of several distinct child pharmacophores (subpharmacophores) with identifying features. We have previously successfully applied this multiple pharmacophore concept for defining ligand-based pharmacophores [22C23] and interface pharmacophores [24] to drug-candidate development. We pursued our multiple pharmacophore concept for the OLIG2 TF dimerization interface. OLIG2 is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) TF that is crucial in tumorigenesis and regulates the survival and growth of glioblastoma (GBM) [25C30]. Our objective was to determine the OLIG2 dimerization pharmacophore complex and search existing chemical structure libraries for compounds predicted to engage all the child pharmacophores. Such an agent could in basic principle populate all the essential elements of the dimerization surface and thus inhibit or interfere with appropriate dimerization and TF activation. We validated this approach by demonstrating the OLIG2 pathway selectivity and potent anti-GBM activity of recognized compounds. A key challenge with many transcription factors including OLIG2 is definitely that high-resolution crystal constructions are not available. However, OLIG2 is known Rabbit Polyclonal to GSK3alpha to bind E47, one of the isoforms of E2A class TFs for which a crystal structure is resolved [31]. In addition, OLIG2 offers close sequence identity to a number of additional TFs that bind the E2A isoforms, E12 and E47. Based on this information, we analyzed possible intermolecular contacts between OLIG2 and E2A isomers, and focused on the NeuroD1 TF, which has very close sequence identity to OLIG2. Using the E47-NeuroD1 complex being a template [32], we modeled OLIG2 as well as the OLIG2-E47 heterodimer, enabling the novel description of a mixed pharmacophore hypothesis made up of one parental and multiple girl pharmacophores. Right here we demonstrate how our mixed pharmacophore led 3D-framework searches from the Open up NCI Data source ( to recognize compounds potentially in a position to engage (-)-BAY-1251152 the OLIG2 dimerization surface area. Compounds predicted to activate with all three hypothesized OLIG2 girl pharmacophores had been screened against patient-derived GBM tumorspheres. We discovered many small substances that potently suppressed the development of GBM tumorspheres GBM versions. SKOG102, which enters the mind after intravenous shot, selectively modulated downstream OLIG2 goals, and downregulated stem cell and oligodendrocyte lineage markers towards the same level as shRNA-mediated OLIG2 knockdown. These outcomes underscore a potential to pharmacologically suppress the stem cell-like tumor area presumed to operate a vehicle GBMs. The info presented herein give a basis and impetus for following (-)-BAY-1251152 comprehensive biophysical explorations of the type and timescale from the engagement of SKOG102 using the OLIG2 transcription aspect, to be able to facilitate its marketing being a potential OLIG2 inhibitor for GBM and various other CNS diseases. Outcomes Homology modeling to build up a template for OLIG2 dimerization To be able to model 3D framework as well as the OLIG2-E47 dimerization user interface, homology modeling of OLIG2 was executed. We also examined possible structures from the heterodimers of E47 with various other TFs just like OLIG2, contained in the position shown in Body ?Body1B1B (group of TFs below the dashed rectangle). The overall scheme from the user interface between your group formulated with E2A isomers and HTF4 TFs (the E2A established).